
Showing posts from April, 2020


And The Mountains Echoed. AND THE MOUNTAINS ECHOED, A BOOK BY KHALED HOSSEONI Genre : Fiction Pages : 404 Publisher : Bloomsbury Language : English They tell me I must wade into waters, Where I'll soon drown.Before I march in, I leave this on the shore for you. I pray you find it, Sister, so you will know what was in my heart as I went under. The Plot    A man named Abdullah in Afghanistan in 1952, brother cum parent of his sister Pari. Abdullah will do anything for her, even trading his only pair of shoes for a feather for her treasured collection. Each night hey sleep together in their cot, their limbs tangled. One day in Kabul  his sister is deserted by his father to another family due to some financial crisis. And as they say sometimes a finger must be cut to save a hand. Lives of everyone take mysterious turn, Pari go to France with her adopted mother due to family problems. Due to invasion of USSR in Afghanistan Abdullah & his remaining famil