The Unprodigal: A book by Manu Dhawan

Genre : Fiction. 

Pages : 224

Publisher : Rupa Publication, India

Language : English.

Only Time Will Tell, What Time Holds. You don't need to know anymore What it is. 

The Plot 

This novel is about a dashing, genius and a failed son name Aryan. It has been month since the only person he loved and cherished his grandfather Aryaman Rout, had died under mysterious circumstances and Aryan has given his all to unearth the truth. 
Yet he seems to have fallen short, for the conspiracy he had gotten wind of is not only closer but bigger than what he had imagined. But in the darkest hour before dawn, in a hopeless place and among strangers, the truth awaits Aryan. He will have to make the longest journey of his life—both inside and out—for it. He will have to stitch together pieces of his early life—his struggles, loves, victories, regrets, faith and the values given to him by his grandfather.
The choices he make now will define who he becomes.

I didn't see love when it was right in front of me, because I was busy chasing I couldn't have rather what I shouldn't have........No more. Time to make it right. 

My Views

Books can be many things as much as you want to shape it by pouring your heart out for the reader. The Protagonist of the book, Aryan. His relationship with his parents are not so good because of the continuous fight between his parents. The only thing kept him sane is his sister Zara and his grandfather, Who was a freedom fighter and now a Union Minister. 
Aryan, a technological genius has every opportunity to create any advancement in his working field when he study at Ivy League College. But life has different plans for him. When his grandfather died mysteriously, he will do anything to solve his grandpa's death mystery. For this he leave everything he had, because no one believes in him. 
I liked most in the book is Preface. When a person roaming in the desert, Don't know where to go, what to do and how to live. Just moves one place to another. Later he realized running is not the solution when he stuck in Life & Death situation. Fighting with every problems life throws at him and discovers a new story which relates from his childhood and cause of death of his grandfather.
Writer Manu Dhawan balance every character and every single relationship. How a small hurdle creates a catastrophic situation in everyone's  life.

Don't stop running for the life even if the world makes you feel small.


The story has layers of all the emotions and feeling.And the plots makes the book a page turner. A classic thriller to leave everything behind just so you can becomes an Unprodigal.



2/5 Stars.


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